Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wii U Games

The Nintendo is due for release in November 2012, here are some of the  Wi U games we can expect at the launch of the new Nintendo Wi U console.

The new Wii U gaming controller has a 6.2-inch , a d-pad, four face buttons, four shoulder triggers, a power button and a camera. There are two analog sliders at the top of the controller rather than traditional sticks.

This combination will allow you to moves screens within your TV by creating a second window into the video game world. So you can play on the tv or on the Wi U controller, the tablet controller was replicating the visuals on the TV on its smaller screen .

It will be compatible with the Wii controller, including Nanchucks and Balance boards

Make sure you get my Wii U Newsletter and I will keep you up to date with all the latest news and Wii U games when they become available.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wii U Games Newletter

The latest Nintendo Wii U console will be available  in November 2012.

Please join my Wii U newsletter and I will keep you up to date with the latest news and development of the Wii U.

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